Vimala sees Christian education as an effort to help people gain
knowledge and understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ to enable them to
make a commitment to it and to grow and develop in their Christian faith and
witness to power and leadership. Jesus in their lives. In this sense, the
transformation of an individual into the image of Christ (Col 1:28) is the goal
of Christian education. This is a differentiating factor from other types of
education. This definition must be understood in a narrower sense and as an
exclusive education in the Christian faith. Christian education in a broader
sense is a shift towards a more holistic and comprehensive approach, in which
education for social transformation is strongly promoted.
Christian education must be understood inclusively, as well as
understood exclusively in a narrow sense. According to Paul Fiere, education
should be understood as an agent of social, political and economic change in
society. And Thomas Groome, according to Frier's ideas, understood Christian
education as a political activity for people. He believes that Christian
education is to educate people for "the kingdom of God, the Christian
faith, and human freedom". One of Robert W. Pazmino's definitions of
Christian education, "Education is a divinely inspired and human
cooperative process in which people grow and they develop in life, that is, in
godly knowledge, faith, hope and love through Christ.
He also gave another definition that Christian education as
"...promotes the change, renewal and reformation of persons, groups and
structures by the power of the Holy Spirit to conform to the revealed will of
God as expressed in the Scriptures and above all in the person of Jesus Christ,
as well as any the results of these efforts." It is about sharing
knowledge, values, attitudes, skills, understanding and behaviors that are part
of the Christian faith. When we look at social change, it is "changes in
the social structure and functions of the various units that make up
society" . It includes those changes that occur in the family,
institutions, and other related social spheres.
However, there are some educators who have advocated that social
change also includes changes in the cultural system, beliefs, ideals,
traditions, and practices. 2 Changes in society come as impact of education.
Education helps a person to find a place in society of suitability and comfort.
According to John Dewey, "Education is a process of social construction
that promotes the growth and development of society ... the development of all
faculties of the individual in such a way as to help them create their own
environment and realize their potential”. This change can be gradual or sudden,
evolutionary or revolutionary, and constructive or destructive.
Education and social change are therefore closely related. One in
the process determines the other. We can only mention three facts that
determine the relationship between education and social change: (a) Education
brings about social change (b) Education is an instrument of social change (c)
Education as a result of social change Likewise, a sound theological foundation
is necessary Christian education for social change . There are questions in
Christian education that need to be addressed based on the ultimate values of
life, which are primarily theological in nature. A question like - what does
faith mean? Is faith to learn something? In other words, it can be seen in the relationship
between theology and Christian education. There are three ways they are
related. Samson Prabhakar mentioned their mutual relations. First, the
Christian community has to formulate its faith and it should be formulated
Second, Christian education is a process that fosters a
relationship with God as revealed in Jesus Christ. Third, theology influences
the methodology of Christian education. There are basic theological principles
of Christian education. Christian educators like Samson called it a new model
of Christian education. This is important in finding an inclusive community.
This new model is based on the reality of the world around us and is identified
with human beings. In this new vision of reality, there is interaction, mutual
solidarity and cooperation. The relationship between human beings is not
divided. The relationship between the Creator and the creature is also not
dichotomized. And the church and the world are also not perceived in opposition
to each other. It is a holistic vision.
The visions of these three, 3 namely man, world and God, are
important in the contemporary context of Christian education, because every
Christian education that has its name is intended for the human beings that God
has placed in this world. This holistic model can be understood in the
following ways: (a) Human beings in the world: When God created the world, He
created human beings and placed human beings in it, giving them responsible
freedom to be stewards of creation. Human beings also shared God's creative
responsibility and dealt with them as partners and co-workers. Thus began the
historical adventure of human beings in a world where neither people nor the
world is a finished product, but rather becoming. Christian education therefore
tries to facilitate the process of becoming.
Human beings are called to move toward maturity, wholeness, and
wholeness. Together with people, the world is called to fulfill its great goal,
which is the reign of God. b) God in the world: God cannot be considered an
abstract and distant being, distant from the reality of the world. Rather, God
is at the heart of the world and actively present in it. It is an ongoing
process that manifests itself in the "signs of the Kingdom" that need
to be discerned. Christian education is a means of facilitating this
discernment. If in terms of social change this world is not static. The world
is changing and is in the process of transitioning from the past to the present
and to the future. (c) The Church in the World: The Church cannot be isolated
from the world or set against the world. Even in the world, Christians cannot
be understood as aliens.
The church is a smaller community of people of a different faith
who have also experienced the presence of God in the world through the Spirit
of Jesus Christ, which does not make them superior to other communities or
special privileges than others. But it certainly makes them more responsible in
their joint search for fuller humanity and fullness of life. Christian
education is supposed to promote the awareness of the unity of the human family
and is a means for people to reach the fullness of life.